Testimonial Evin Skincare Rx

Evin Skincare

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to produce and film our commercial. From start to finish, the team has been superb and concerned with the details of creating a professional product. Having Mr. Harrington introduce and endorse your brand is priceless!

I remember receiving the initial call and could not believe it. Mr. Kevin Harrington’s organization is actually reaching out to work with our company. Well please believe it and do not let this opportunity pass you and your company by. This is not just a commercial, but an opportunity that will allow you to work with a knowledgeable organization as it relates to marketing and beyond.

Since the release of the commercial, I have noticed several benefits. Initially, there has been an increase in traffic to our website. We still have additional plays available and anticipate a positive outcome as a result. When building a brand, this visibility is a necessary step for growth. Another benefit is that I have also been a featured guest on a Facebook chat and introduced to other organizations to be featured on their podcast.
In closing, the relationships and connections have meant the world to me and I am grateful that I decided to partner with Shark Discoveries!

Tasha B. Dickerson, MD CEO/Founder EVIN SKINCARE Rx